the never ending DRAKE’s


Its now July 17 and the JUNE 10th brown drakes are still making a showing on the upper Yakima, like everything in the wild they run in cycles and this season is the drake cycle for the clear water portion of the Yakima and the Cle Elum. Fishing up there has not been off the hook lights out but a steady action from various sized cutthroat and rainbows with a few bruiser’s tossed into the mix.

A beautiful river the Natches and wonderful Cutthroat that love dries


Natches river fly fishing
Nothing better than fishing with Labs

                                  The Drakes are making a showing on the Natches River as well,, a little later in the day but stronger, today we had 4 hrs of great dry fly fishing and in the sun mind you. Did not find the taods that do live there but am very happy with dozens of these!  This is Angler, Scott’s yellow lab and Jesse whom is never far away from the action..

Rivers a little out of shape, Rockslide accross Canyon Road @ mm20

Thankfully we went the way of the Natches as the thunderstorms dumped hard on the Yakima and the slides at 20mile in the canyon let loose with rock and mud. second time in 14 years, this time not as bad as last by any means. But we are on the WRONG side of the blockage.

The Natches is definitely a worthy alternative option to the Yakima and will be fishing from hear on through the season.

Day trips run $450 on the Natches.

Lodging is $150 if needed.

Next up will be the Methow River but I predict it will be two weeks before the GOOD dry fly fishing starts.

Thank You Jeff