The Yakima has proven to sustain good fishing for over a week in a row now without any major set backs in conditions. Could it be that we are in for the steady flow of summer, finally at the beginning of JULY.
I hope so, as right now we can catch fish nearly at will on dries and nymphs. A stone and a soft hackle has proven to be a good nymphing combo or a yellow stimi size 8-6 or gold chubby will get it done on the surface with the required drag free drift of coarse..
Look for increased summer stone activity in the next week then a big push of them on the next full moon in the lower canyon and continued caddis, pmd and brown drakes above in the Cle Elum area. White and grey streamers are productive on the thunderstorms and first thing in the AM.
I have some open dates in the next week give me a call 253-307-3210 for more details or EM