Family Fishing

Spent the day yesterday fishing dry fly’s with my wife LISA, she only fishes dries so it was pretty easy, like picking Ice Cream or visiting a Winery just choose a color and taste it…

The traffic was rather high for the upper canyon but since I knew everybody rowing around it was like our own party float, the Boitano Brothers had there whole crew out and a couple private boats made for and interesting float. Almost too interesting when one ( little white drifter) nearly flipped in the eddy at Tower Rock. I love watching all the positioning that goes on between guide boats and private boats, knowing Johnny and Jason well they just do there own thing fishing what they want, waiting when they need basically getting it done like a chess match with river boats. Then the private little dingy comes floating on through trying to mimic the float minus the unrecognized courtesy all the guides give each other on the civilized portions of river.  Fishing guides are used to this and we just continue to exhibit what we consider good boating respect for other anglers, and sometimes those others catch on to more than just whats working,,,which by the way was not dries in the mid day sun as the day before..

After most of the day with only a handful of trout and three long beach time escapades with Jesse the trout retriever the sun dipped enough to get the results we are looking for. I must confess the medium upstream wind and down stream flow combined with a high sun angle IS NOT prime dry fly conditions, but we are out for the fun of angling one fly and on the surface even if my Labrador was getting board with the lack of licking trout. As the sun reaches that magical two finger width over the horizon, shadows lengthen and our friend the cutthroat was obligated to rise. Nothing huge just a dozen 12 -15 inchers with one around 18 to round off the evening.

Bug of the day; size twelve flying ant,,,,the one with the red ass.

I will all ways take a strong finish to a day of fishing over a day with early success…