Hoppers, Browns and Moose oh my!!

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Big Hole Brown

Browns on the surface, Its what we fish Montana for, there are some huge Trout in this state, and the biggest trout I catch are on Dries every year. Maybe it’s that I enjoy to fish them more than other methods or that I am lucky on the dry but so far season after season even when i was on the Yakima it was the dry fly that allways seem to catch the biggest fish of the season. Catch being the operative word I hook larger fish on Bobbers and streamers but how often can a guide fish with streamers after June and before October without burning out the client, not too much!


They come in size 4 to 20 and all colors of the spectrum, greens, yellows, tans some wear red heels and some crazy striped and horn laiden legs. They talk like some African aborigine tribe and fly from river bed to field in search of a lady hoppers. A little wind and 80 degrees and they start the parade down the river to waiting trout!


The wiley Moose apears from the river bank to give the floater a brief look into the wilderness of the past. They often stand and watch us go by as if we were they are the spectator. Mostly we see the cows and juvenile bulls but every so often a big bull or a cow with a calf will apear on the next bend.
I often try to find them wile fishing certain strecthes but the best way is to just let it happen they are there. The intencity of Montana is breathtaking, often its the weather that reminds us we are at 4800 feet but by simply looking around and soaking it all in we learn to really apreciate the splendor of the riverine corridor outside of the trout fishing.