Father’s day, something I’ve not gotten to celebrate much but sure do vicariously with guests. I have gift certificates available that can be purchased and used through out the season, Trout fishing here on the Yakima or try out the Natchez, fall steelhead on the Klickitat maybe a Bass trip to the lower river later in June. Contact me on cell 253 307 3210 and discuss options or drop an email to Jeff@brazdasflyfishing.com..
We have a great season in the happening. A cool spring always makes for a good summer of trout fishing. Salmon fly made an appearance this season and the river is maintaining fishability. The next few days will determine if we have a smooth run off or any loss of fishing time at all. The snowpack is great well over 100%. June is usually the boost up to Irrigation flows that carry big cool water into late summer. It is looking like we will flow right into those flows seamlessly. June is Drake month with big greens and greys coming off often into July. The PMD will be hitting with the warmup and Yellow Sallies right behind that. July and August should be optimal for big bugs like summer stones and Terrestrials which often happen at the same time offering great Dry Dropper fishing.

It looks as if we won’t have a dirty run off this season and will just flow right into summer irrigation flows. Yakima River is presently running at 4700 cfs which is all and some of the regular summer flows. Water is extremely cold, clean and fast and is forecasted to go up another 1000 cfs. Snow pack for 2022 is really good and what we have been needing for a few years. As of right now its dropped to 60% and in June that is great. Judging form the level of the river and the predictions to start dropping in 7 days we are looking good to be back on the stable train by the 7th. With the reservoirs being 100% and spilling the overflow we are in for a great July, August, September and October!