Methow River report 10-10-10

With the rain falling we would expect to see some fresh arrivals into the river for a few days to come, they have really been on the move lately, mostly heading too far up to fish and not so many to replace them yet. The lower stretches have slowed down quite a bit and the Carlton fish have moved on too far.
With cooler temps next week and increasing sun we should see some great evening angling, maybe a resurgence of dry fly skating if we get new arrivals. The Damn counts are way down so we are relying on new arrivals from the Pateros pool where the Bait and jig guys are doing well, I see there jet boats driving down every morning so there must be some good stuff happening. It is simply a normal steelhead season and a welcome one at that, the Methow can not take another Alice in Wonderland season as last year, the bar has been set too high. It has spawned new guides, popping up from everywhere some not even old enough to get into the Antler bar and most have no clue of raft etiquette, when you come across such an individual let them know how it is on the Met, no bullshit, stay off the steelhead water until past the tail out simple as that, if they can not find a path through then they shouldn’t be on this river.