Keeping up with the wear and tear…

Most of us who row thousands of oars strokes a year have two things in common, worn shoulders and worn Oars Tips..

SO to keep the shoulders mobile we eat lots of Ibuprofen and buy the best paddles we can afford, often that is in the form of SAWYER DYNALITE’s. Not to many years ago,,,ah well or 20 years ago we always had wood oars ash was the best then fiberglass then composite now we have come full circle and have LAMINATED WOOD with COMPOSITE OARS BLADES,,,wow that’s a mouthful. Any way they have added years to the life of my shoulders so I am adding years to the life of my money makers,,, the paddles.

When your $580 oars start looking like this: sorry about the pics focus but I did not notice till I had done the work:)

Through the fiberglass, through the plastic wearstrip and into the wood.

Its time for some repair. I am sure you can find some add on fix on the inter webs but I wanted to be sure I was adding good wear protection and MOSTLY keep the water away from the wood, which is not possible at this point with adding the slip over plastic tips.

All you need is right here; fiberglass material 2inch wide, resin, hardener, five minute epoxy, dollar store brush, some cheapo measuring devises and a beer, kind of beer optional.

First thing I did was add Five minute Epoxy like Bondo to the worn off sections of the tips, and then sanded smooth.

 Once that is dry and hard you can sand it well enough to help the fiberglass resin seal out any water.
The hard part is getting the matting glassed down with the resin. You have to cut it and fold it down as you go around the corner of the blade 180 degrees. Its not pretty but it will work after all its all about sealing out water and adding wear stripping.
 As you cover the tips keep the air out and the mesh down it will want to float and the fold will not be perfect, that is were the second layer comes in after it dries I will sand it again and add another finish layer of resin to smooth it up. but for now this phase is done tomorrow I will do the finish work…
Hands down, the Sawyer Dynalite oars have been the best I have ever used in my 35 years of rowing boats down rivers, I do like the Shoal cut blade better but at over 500 dinero I will make do with these…
Thanks and have a great week end, Jeff.