Steelhead Trout Salmon

Washington Fly Fishing Guide Trips

Guided Trip Offerings
We offer guided trips all over Washington State depending on the season and what is happening on the water. We target steelhead, trout and salmon in a variety of rivers during their peak seasons. View the offerings below to learn more about all of the amazing Washington fly fishing options.
Happy Angler With Trophy Winter Steelhead

Olympic Peninsula Steelhead

The wild steelhead fly fishing on the Olympic Peninsula is most often considered the best steelhead fishing in the entire nation

Olympic Peninsula Salmon

Olympic Peninsula rivers are producing Washington State's best Salmon runs offering a great opportunity with diverse species

Klickitat River Steelhead

The Klickitat River is blessed with optimal river temperatures due to the cool headwaters and offers miles of ideal holding water

Methow River Steelhead

With huge Chinook runs spawning throughout the Columbia and its tributary, the Methow River system is a gem of a steelhead fishery

Methow River Trout

The Methow River is also a very diverse river that holds some of the largest trout of any float-able river in Washington State

Angler Holding Yakima Rainbow Trout

Yakima River

The wild trout on the Yakima river consist of native Westslope cutthroat trout and wild rainbows offering excellent fishing.

Naches River Trout

This smaller cousin to the Yakima has become a notable trout stream that has native Cutthroat, Bull Trout and Rainbow trout.